A-Fib Resourse

Resources & Technology, Getting Closer to A-Fib Cure

A wealth of information For Heart Patients, Get A-Fib Resources & Links

There are many ways to stay informed about Atrial Fibrillation, I personally reach out to the internet and try to find everything I can about A-Fib, From symptoms to diagnosis to treatments. I’m writing this article on “Resources & Technology, getting closer to A-Fib Cure”, so that you won’t have to do the leg work, I’ll do it for you. Non-Profit Org Links will guide you to answers you need.

Patient information will give you answers to your questions (by clicking on links below that are medically approved) and help you to make sense of this disease and the causes and cures. Helpful information for those of you that are affected by heart disease and A-Fib. Understanding the medical side can help you cope with the symptoms and daily life.

Arm Yourself with a wealth of information

Resources & Technology is getting closer to A-Fib

There is a wealth of information in the AFA (Atrial Fibrillation Association) to be had by everyone that’s affected by A-Fib. From symptoms to Stroke and sometimes, if not treated, death.

Atrial Fibrillation Awareness groups are spreading the word of how dangerous it can become and especially for those that don’t even know they have it. My mission is to spread the awareness in hopes to save people’s lives. Check some of these links below for more information.

Information For A-Fib Patients

What is A-Fib and What Are The Symptoms?

Atrial Fibrillation is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm or arrhytmia, that can lead to blood clots in the heart. A-Fib increases the risk of stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications. During atrial fibrillation, the heart’s upper chambers (atria) beat chaotically and irregularly.

What are the Symptoms of A-Fib?

Most people show no symptoms at all! Some noted symptoms include:

Shortness of Breath-heart palpitations, feeling of the heart racing or beating irregularly– Tiredness, weakness, reduced ability to be physically active, Lightheadedness and dizziness-Confusion, chest pain.

Causes and Types

Cardiomyopathy is a common cause of Atrial Fibrillation. It is an accrued or inherited disease of the heart muscle which makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood to other parts of the body. Urgent medical attention is usually recommended by healthcare authorities. Cardiomyopathy can be dangerous or life threatening if untreated and can lead to heart failure.

Major Cause for the A-Fib is damaged hearts electrical system, Family history, Abnormal or damaged structure of the heart either at birth or during your lifetime. Heart attaks, Coronary heart disease or disease of blood vessels of the heart. Previous heart surgeries, stress and many more.

Types– There are four types of Atrial Fibrillation

1)-Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation 

Atrial fibrillation, also known as A-Fib or AF, is a common type of arrhythmia, or heart rhythm problem, characterized by an irregular heartbeat that causes a rapid heart rate.

This is due to abnormal electrical impulses in the atria (the upper chambers of the heart) that cause the heart to beat rapidly. When this happens, the lower chambers do not fill or pump enough blood to your lungs and body.

2)-Persistent Atrial Fibrillation

The episodes in persistent atrial fibrillation last longer than a week and may or may not end on its own. Its symptoms are similar to paroxysmal A-Fib, but not everyone will notice symptoms at all.

3)-Long-standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation

Long-standing persistent A-Fib occurs when abnormal heart rhythms last longer than 12 months without going away. This type of A-Fib can be tough to handle, as medications and controlled electrical shock won’t solve the problem.

4)-Permanent Atrial Fibrillation  

 A-Fib becomes permanent when the abnormal heart rhythm can’t be restored. At this point, you and your doctor decide to stop further treatment efforts.

This means your heart is in a state of A-Fib all the time and may result in more severe symptoms, lower quality of life, and an increased risk of a major cardiac event. Still, it’s important to live a heart-healthy lifestyle to reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall health.

A doctor might still issue a prescription to control a person’s heart rate and prevent blood clots.

Detecting a-fib early

Early detection and appropriate management reduce stroke risk by two-thirds. Early detection of Atrial Fibrillation is important to ensure prompt and adequate management, which not only aims to control symptoms but to avoid later complications. Timely intervention is important to prevent the progression of A-Fib.

Protect Yourself from Stroke– A-Fib is a Progressional Disease if not caught early

One of the biggest concerns with A-Fib is the risk of stroke. In fact, people with A-Fib have about a 5 times greater risk of stroke than people who don’t have it. Your doctor can prescribe a blood thinner to lessen your chances of blood clots. It is estmated that by the year 2030, over 12 million people in the United States will have been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation.

How Can A-Fib Cause A Stroke?

During a normal heartbeat, the upper chambers (atria) and lower chambers (ventricles) of the heart work together to pump blood to the rest of the body. A-Fib occurs when the upper chambers of the heart beat irregularly and do not pump all of the blood to the lower chambers.

This causes the blood to pool in the left appendage and potentially form clots. If a clot breaks loose, it can travel through the blood stream to the brain and lead to stroke. Strokes related to A-Fib are often more severe compared to strokes with other underlying causes.

Atrial FlutterTreatment Options & Atrial Fibrillation Treatment Options

The severity or any other underlying medical issues you might have, and the length of the A-Fib condition will determine the best Atrial Fibrillation treatment options for you. Depending on what type of A-Fib you have depends on what kind of treatment option your doctor will choose. Diet, exercise, and supplements can help you manage your condition

An electrical cardioversion, often referred to simply as a cardioversion, is a procedure used to treat an abnormal and rapid heart rhythm (also called a cardiac arrhythmia). The most commonly treated arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation. Another rhythm commonly treated with electrical cardioversion is atrial flutter.

Heart Rhythm Society

Patient Resource Link There is Hope For Beating Atrial Fibrillation, see below

Steve Ryan wrote a book about “Beat Your A-Fib” and it’s a must read if you have Atrial Fibrillation. He walks you through his journey, and what a journey he had. He got second opinions when he was told “you have to live with it”, and tells us not to trust all doctors opinions, keep searching until you feel comfortable with your decision. Don’t get a pacemaker until you’ve exausted all other options.

Steve Ryan’s story

He woke me up about how a person can fight for life when it’s on the line. He had the courage to stand up to doctors and say, “this is unexceptable!” He researches and does his homework thoroughly and is determined to find a cure for A-Fib. He finally did just that and is now helping many, thousands of people through his books and You Tube Videos.

He is our hope for better life decisions, but there are other people that are exceptional too like, Randall Wolf who helped in designing the Wolf Minimaze ablation Procedure (also a Master Magician) read more on my other site at A Magical Pyhsician and his Bag of Tricks (shers-shop-site.com) ! You can get his book on Amazon, it’s really worth the read.

Beat Your A-Fib

More Great Resource Links:

Heart rhythm alliance is a very good resource with many articles to share with you. They also have individuals, telling their stories. There is a helpline at 843-415-1886 or info@afa-us.org to email them

American Stroke Association or Sroke.org Defeat Stroke by acting F.a.s.t.

Understanding the Risk of Stroke with A-Fib

Atrial Fibrillation Association Watch videos of doctors and patients’ stories and advice.

Patients with A-Fib are 5X more likely to have a stroke. This increased risk of stroke highlights the need for accurate and timely detection. A pulse check in at risk patients, as part of a patient assessment during an in office or telehealth visit, can be a critical first step towards diagnosing and managing A-Fib. To read more go to detect afib.com.

It is said the risk factor is your age mostly for people over 65, but I was diagnosed 17 years ago when I was 48years old, had a pacemaker implant when I was 59, in 2017.

Although I had A-Fib symptoms for years prior, I thought the sporadic heartbeat was something I had caused by my own actions. I thought it was normal, just like a lot of people probably do.

Doctors Weren’t Listening

The deeper I research, the more I’m finding people of all ages have A-Fib symptoms. When I was young, doctors didn’t listen to young people telling them they are having problems with their heart (or symtoms). They assume you’re young and have a healthy heart, instead of taking time to do blood work and get a diagnosis.

That was true back in 1965, but now that A-Fib is vastly growing in numbers, the awareness is greater in the 20th centry and where have better technology to get diagnosed and doctors are becoming more sensitive to the patients. Getting an early diagnosis is criticle to your health in preventing stroke.

Getting in early for a diagnosis is key to preventing a stroke

Seeking medical attention early may help reduce the chance of A-Fib leading to something more serious.

Familiarize yourself with A-Fib symptoms and risk factors. It is also important to understand that you can experience symptoms or have risk factors but not have A-Fib. You could also have A-Fib and not experience any symptoms.

If you have one or more symptoms, contact your doctor or healthcare provider. Keep reading for more Non-Profit Org Links below.

Resources and Technology, getting closer to A-Fib Cure,

Technology is moving fast and there is a new vMap procedure that is a three dimensional recording of all electrical activity in the heart, a technique called ‘mapping’ was first needed to find the precise spot in the heart where the arrhythmia originated from. It is the First successful ablation of a cardiac arrhythmia in a horse. To check the story out, click here. Just need a remedy? Read on for more information.

Below are some remedies for mobility & Activities for a healthier you!

If you’ve ever had a stroke that immobilizes you, you know how hard it is to be independent. Here are some ideas for you to be mobile again with Activity Helpers. The idea of always having to ask for the necessities has to be very frustrating.

Activity Helpers! Shop Now (button)Activity Helper

Read more at notimetowait.com/a-fib-explained

How to Stop A-FIB Naturally

You may be able to keep your heart pumping smoothly for a long time if you:

  • manage your blood pressure
  • manage your cholesterol levels
  • eat a heart-healthy diet
  • exercise for 20 minutes most days of the week
  • quit smoking if you smoke
  • maintain a healthy weight
  • get enough sleep
  • drink alcohol in moderation
  • reduce stress in your life

Non-Profit Org Links

Real People-Inspiring Blogs About A-Fib

The Heart Truth
The Heart Truth

A-Fib and Yoga

Can Yoga Help Atrial Fibrillation?

Yoga may be the perfect addition to standard treatment for Atrial Fibrillation or (A-Fib), based on a recent study linking yoga to lower heart rate and blood pressure and improved quality of life. So, “ABSOLUTELY”, Yoga can calm Atial Fibrillation. For A-Fib patients, yoga can be an effective complementary therapy and a part of your A-Fib treatment plan.

Yoga can have long-term benefits for people with Atrial Fibrillation says David Meyerson, MD, a cardiologist at John Hopkins. “Anyone can do it, it’s not just for athletes, and it lessons anxiety, improves depression and blood pressure control”. Yoga has a calming effect that can help prevent the speeding up or slowing down of the heartbeat that’s common if you have Atrial-Fibrillation.

Doctors are prescribing yoga to patients more and more here in the Northwestern medical community. Studies are emerging with positive and beneficial results from a regular yoga practice. This goes for physical and mental health such as back pain, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Read More

If you’d like to read more about heart health and A-Fib, head over to my other site at Reading the Best of Atrial Fibrillation-Technology (my-heart-health.com) If you’re a pet lover be sure to read my about Sherry page.

I’ll keep this updated, as I subscribe to various organizations of A-Fib Help. Feel free to leave a comment.

I Hope your day is great, wishing you all the best.

best wishes, Sherry